“(D) to promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth (referred to in this resolution as ‘‘frontline and vulnerable communities’’);“
Why is this part of the Green New Deal? Helping needy people around the world is the obligation of all people that have the ability to help. This narcissistic rhetoric is a distraction of self-pity and weakens the focus of the challenging work before us.
Stop saying things that make you feel good and start doing things that are good.
“(2) the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) of paragraph (1) (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal goals’’) should be accomplished through a 10-year national mobilization (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Green New Deal mobilization’’) that will require the following goals and projects—“
Writing platitudes does not make any “New Deal.” This country needs a National Energy Policy before anything like the “Green New Deal” is considered. America has not had a National Energy Policy for decades.
What should our National Energy Policy say? First, it’s important to determine “how” the policy will be created. Special interests beware.
I propose a presidential initiative that provides grants to three institutions of higher education. The grants will be contingent on how these institutions address these questions:
1. Identify all sources of energy that exist and could be anticipated to become available in the next 20 years.
2. Qualify each energy source for its impacts on the environment, economy, society, politics, and culture.
3. Grade each energy source and list them best to worst.
Each institution will have six months to complete their work. At the end of that period, they will be required to meet with industry, government, and environmental leaders.
Each institution must work alone, without the influences of special interests or other institutions.
At the completion of several meetings and review by industry, government, and environmental leaders, a National Energy Policy will be written and submitted to Congress and the Administration. Suggested incentives and disincentives will be considered to achieve the goals and objectives incorporated in the plan.
Suggested institutions:
Cal Tech
Georgia Tech